
Learn Commercial Real Estate

Hey Wealth Builders We introduce a new black commercial real estate agent : Christian Pearson

Published about 2 years ago • 1 min read

Hey Wealth Builders,

Happy Wednesday,

I wanted to share this great interview with you on Christian Pearson a new commercial real estate agent at Lee & Associates.

Last week we went Live on instagram to chat about his journey into commercial real estate and his passion for helping the black community excel in commercial real estate investing.

If you would like to be featured or do a LIVE with me please hit reply.

I am always looking to collaborate with you.

Please like subscribe and share with others.

Speak Nicely to Yourself and Others.

Mind the Numbers and Percentages.

ENGAGE AND CONNECT WITH US. I'd love to hear from you.

vehicle on road facing buildings under graay sky




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Facebook: LearnCommercialRealEstate

Instagram : LearnCommercialRealEstate


The best is yet to come,


Learn Commercial Real Estate

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